This is a 6feet canvas in translucent oil washes, on e of my intentions with this piece was to encompas my own physicality in the work...the curves of the clouds in the sky are the natural arm curve I made when 'nose up' to the canvas ...the 'proportions of man' by Leonardo Da Vinci and the idea of a colossal page from asketch pad are both evident here.

This is the Bonfire at the house celebrating Guy Fawkes day on the 4th November...I plan to produce some paintings inspired by this visual phenomena, no two flames are the same ,they never repeat themselves and speed and vibrancy of the burning form are all magical ingredients that I aim to recapture in oils and aerosols in the studio.

Work in progress at Airy Hill Studio ,I've three of these 6feet canvases on the go at the moment
...there is almost a weight removed as I am allowed to be free and libereated in the large quantities of paint I am moving around and the freedom to 'paint eyes open' with no reliance or need to use the many landscape photographs I have scattered around the studio . The closest I need to move these works towards reality would at this stage be in their colour reference to the changing season of the fall and the onset of winter.....an abundance of black lines there and my friends back home would say 'horses for courses'....so I'll have to not disappoint !

Landscape and tree phoptographs I have been taking recently ,the linear and layered quality of the tree images have moved my work onto a more spontaneous and continuous format. There is the obvious referance to Pollock and American Abstract Expressionism but also a constant reminder of the subject matter through figurative reference...fields, towers clouds, etc.

Landscape and tree phoptographs I have been taking recently ,the linear and layered quality of the tree images have moved my work onto a more spontaneous and continuous format. There is the obvious referance to Pollock and American Abstract Expressionism but also a constant reminder of the subject matter through figurative reference...fields, towers clouds, etc.
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