Thursday, January 25, 2007
'The Twins' (oil on canvas 4x4feet).....the landscape being used to make universal socio-political commentry aswell as emulating the everyday to almost iconic status...this painting has a number of levels for interpretation.
Labels: January 2007 series
Friday, January 19, 2007

...maybe I'll let Kieran or Ellora decide ! son crept into this picture aswell. 'Seclusion II'(oil on canvas 6x6feet)....I wanted an array of sketched marks across to surface to exagerate the scale of the work,the sky can be seen as a page from a sketchbook.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The scale and format of the work (4x4 feet) is square to represent the notion of a grid and the fact that my specific view at that time could be a part of the greater picture.
I wanted to make paintings to evoke feeling and take the viewer to a special place....I wanted to communicate my enthusiasm for the beauty in the landscape around me ,but at the same time give the image exagerated colour and depth.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

This end of the series embraces immediacey, spontaneity,and urgency all in one.
Monday, January 08, 2007

....there is also a novel connection here with the tinman in the Wizard Of Oz !
This is yet another view of PenrynLakes Farm....the light in this area whatever the season gives a fantastic clarity ,and the pastel white farm walls present a timelessnes.....even with these fairly modern materials.
Above is a 7x7feet painting I made in February this year, it is called 'Tyneside Utopia'......the interplay of colours and linear construction came from looking at the steel bridges in Newcastle, in the North of England.
I'm hoping to travel out west soon and document some of the historical steelworking towns and metal bridges...the work I have been doing since the fall has taken on a very linear feel (tree branches now more visible as can be seen in the photography I have made around Mount Gretna and on the numerous trails I have been running/hiking on for the last couple of months).
This is one of the early skies from outside my studio window back in Otley,Yorkshire.

Having said that I am going into the studio now to try and link these two approaches together......

Abstract Landscape No2........Surrealism and Storytelling.

Atmosphere and the use of accident in these images along with the notion of 'time capture' all add up to producing intriguing imagery and I feel thought-provoking images.
This is my first 'moon-drawing'
This farmhouse on the 501 is splendid.... what more can I say!
Movement,repetition and both subdued and sharpened lines make for an interesting view of the rear lights of a truck on the open road.
The above image is just one of a series of aprox.100 from my experimental photography I made at a rock concert at Giants Stadium recently.
I took these night time photographs in December but as of yet not really found an avenue in the studio to express them with any real conviction....they may stand as works in their own right ..what do you think ?